Athlete Bios

Alberto Mena

Men's Marathon

Qualifying Time: 2:17:06
Qualifying Race: 2023 Bakline's McKirdy Micro Marathon

Alberto Mena
Date of Birth


Age on Race Day


Current Residence

Manhattan, NY


Manhattan, NY

High School

Xavier High School

Current Affiliation

Brooklyn Track Club/Tracksmith


Running Coach and Mental Performance Consultant

Marathon PB


Social Media
First Trials qualification


Number of attempts to qualify



Fordham University, Florida State University

Career Highlights
18th, 2022 TCS New York City Marathon (top New Yorker)
I'm the son of immigrant parents from Cuba and Ecuador.
Interesting Story
My senior year of college, I decided to quit my team to pursue training on my own. I was frustrated with my performances and took it upon myself to make the necessary changes. In doing so, I began to make remarkable progress by adapting training to my individual needs and strengths. While I have had support from a handful of close friends, I am self-coached and mainly train solo. Looking back on it all, I couldn't be more proud of myself for refusing to be discouraged by disappointments and for having the self-belief and drive to make things happen for myself.
Favorite Book

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Favorite Movie

Forrest Gump

Favorite TV Show/Series


Favorite Song

Many Men by 50 Cent

Favorite Post-race Indulgence

Halal Guys

Favorite Breakfast

Bacon Egg and Cheese on a roll with an Arizona

Favorite Motivational Quote
"It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" - Rocky Balboa
Favorite Running Memory
Lining up with the men's professional field of the 2022 TCS NYC Marathon