Athlete Bios

Taylor Dare

Women's Marathon

Qualifying Time: 2:36:13
Qualifying Race: 2022 California International Marathon

Taylor Dare
Date of Birth


Age on Race Day


Current Residence

Fort Worth, TX


Shreveport, LA

High School

Loyola College Prep

Current Affiliation

Fort Worth Distance Project/Run Free Training


Physical Therapist (Orthopedic Clinical Specialist) at Texas Health Sports Medicine

Marathon PB


Social Media
First Trials qualification


Previous Trials


Number of attempts to qualify



TCU (did not run collegiately)

Career Highlights
3rd, 2016 Cowtown Marathon; 2017 Boston Marathon; 12th, 2019 Chevron Houston Marathon; 25th, 2019 Grandma's Marathon; 2020 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Marathon; 24th, 2022 Grandma's Marathon, 30th, 34th, 2022 California International Marathon (OTQ)
I've been married for 6 years to my better half and best friend, Cayden Dare. He is my biggest fan and I wouldn't have made it to this race without him. From countless long runs on the bike with me running to foot massages to reminding me that my worth is not found in how I perform, he selflessly supports me in every way possible. All of this while training and completing two full Ironman Triahalons. He is the real MVP. My parents are Russell and Lora Slack and I have two younger sisters, Maddie and Ella. My family is so very important to me and I can't even begin to describe the love, care, and support they have given me over the years. You really need to meet them because they are the absolute best. In 2018 I married into another incredible family, The Dares. My in-laws Evan and Linda Dare, my brother-in-law Landon, and my sister-in-law Lexie, her husband Will, and our nephew Beckett are truly such a gift.
Greatest Accomplishment
Personal: Six years of the sweetest marriage to my husband and the commitment to the covenant we made as long as we both shall live. Might sound cheesy but it's true. Professional: Becoming a Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. Running: Qualifying for both the 2020 and 2024 Trials while continuing to love the sport of running.
Interesting Story
My love for the sport of running began in middle school after I was forced to quit competitive gymnastics due to a back injury. After trying other sports, I joined the cross country team and from the first practice I knew this sport was for me. There was something about the rhythm of my feet hitting the ground, the beauty and sereneness of nature, the ability to pray and calm my mind coupled with every competitor giving it their all to chase a goal that drew me in. Over the years, my love and passion for the sport continued to develop. Unfortunately, as the competition increased in high school I began to develop a fear of failure and slowly lost the joy I found in running. Races no longer became fun, but prompted anxiety. My junior year of high school, this anxiety and the need for control manifested in an eating disorder resulting in inpatient treatment for three months. While this was one of the hardest times in my life, treatment saved my life. It was there the Lord reminded me that my identity is not found in my performance, what others think of me, my success or my failures but is found on being His child saved by grace through the death and resurrection of Christ. Long story short, I found healing, freedom, recovery, and was equipped with tools to continue to nourish the body the Lord gave me to celebrate the gift of life while running with joy. I ran for fun through college, did my first half marathon with my dad, and caught the long-distance bug. I ran my first marathon in 2016 at the Cowtown marathon using an online training plan, little to no fuel, and somehow finished in 3:19 with a smile on my face.
Favorite Book

The O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson

Favorite Movie

Steel Magnolias

Favorite TV Show/Series

24 and Gilmore Girls

Favorite Song

Build My Life by Christy Nockels

Favorite Post-race Indulgence

The only thing that sounds good is chicken noodle soup or a piece of fresh bread

Favorite Breakfast

Toast with almond butter and jelly

Favorite Motivational Quote
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31
Favorite Running Memory
The Friday morning before we flew out to California for 2022 CIM, we received the news that my Pa had passed away. He built a family rooted in love and was a picture of Christ to anyone and everyone. We spent hours cracking pecans on the back of his truck, counting money at the church, fishing in his little boat, watching bull riding and reading the Bible together. That morning was a roller coaster of sadness coupled with the comfort of him being with Jesus. As I prayed about whether to head to CA for the race; I simply knew Pa would want me to go and run. Both my grandparents were at every race they could be, cheering me on. So this race would be to honor Pa, and no matter what the result held I would run and cross that line. I love how the Lord uses earthly things to show us more of who He is. My race goal was the OTQ, sub 2:37. Thought I may go out faster but with everything surrounding this race I decided to stick with the pacer at the beginning and go from there. When you run with a pacer you have to place your trust in their ability and guidance. Surrendering what I thought was the best plan to achieve my goal and trusting their plan. Now I had to still run, take in fuel, listen to my body, put in the work, etc. but ultimately I wasn’t looking at my watch and going off their lead. During the race, the Lord showed me this was a picture of how we should live our lives as believers- fully surrendered to His plans and ways, trusting in who He says He is, following His commands and doing the work He has set before us all for His glory. How sweet of Him to show me that! I stuck with the pacers (huge shoutout out to them!!) until mile 20 and then was on my own for the last 6.2. I felt great and was having a blast running in the sunshine through a beautiful course… until that last mile when everything started to shut down. Again, a picture of my inability to do things on my own as the Lord somehow kept my legs moving when I was certain they wouldn’t. That last mile was so long, but I was crossing that finish line one way or another for my grandparents. My grandma always tells me “sprint it in” and so I sprinted, crossing in 2:36:08 with joy and relief that we did it! A TEAM effort. In honor of a grandpa, husband, father, and man who lived the life we all strive to live.